The “Nice Guy” Curse

Hello Interwebbers, it’s been too long–

In College, as a female you are bombarded with relationships and whatnot. Everyone seems to be getting together, falling apart, sleeping around, or just simply single. I, personally, love being delightfully single. It’s easy to get by, and funny to watch others crash and burn cherishing the fact that it isn’t you. (Can you tell that I’m slightly bitter against people who are in relationships?)


I guess you could describe me as a decently desirable person, by an average guys standards and any girl in that position is bombarded by dozens of what we can only describe as “nice guys”. A guy who generally we see as a friend, and they act that way towards us. Usually, they surprise us by telling others that they see themselves with us, or secretly are in love with us. Oh, BOY. [Sidebar: If you are truly a nice guy, please tell us not your friends. We are usually more receptive to someone when they tell us directly, not when we hear it from friends.] But, if you can’t tell a girl you like them, how do you think you can get into a relationship with them?!

Sometimes, girls just want to be friends. When did that become such a foreign concept? Why must everyone ask people if they’re in a relationship, just because they hang out together. The concept of “just friends” is apparently considered an aging topic in todays time.

However, I see lots of problems with these supposed “Nice Guys”. If a girl isn’t interested, and you decide that she will be your “dream women”, you have set yourself up for disappointment. Constantly acting (please forgive me for saying this, I can’t think of a better term for it) thirsty, is attractive to NO ONE. When you constantly drown us in compliments (sincere or not), and we don’t want them, please don’t act all wounded when it doesn’t end like a Disney movie.
{PROTIP: If you keep throwing compliments at a girl, and she keeps responding with something along the lines of “aww thanks” or “that’s so sweet”, the only thing she’s inviting you to do is to crawl back into the hole that is the friend zone that you emerged from.}

Let’s Get Down To The Point.
If you are a boy, and you think you deserve anything from us just because you compliment us, you are wrong. Seriously, the sense of entitlement lately is disgusting.

If you learned anything from life, you should understand, YOU SHOULD BE NICE TO PEOPLE.
Just because you are nice and pleasant doesn’t mean you deserve anything.
You are supposed to be nice to people, I’m not going to give you a cookie every time you are nice to me.
You are not a dog, and I’m not trying to teach you a new trick. Positive reinforcement doesn’t work here.

Oh, and now that we’ve gotten that ball rolling;
If you claim that you’re a “Nice Guy” up to the point where you realize that she’s not “falling for you” and won’t date you, then you go on about how she’s a cold prude that friendzoned you. God forbid, if you go on all about how no girls date nice guys…
Let me drop a little wisdom bomb on you:

You are a passive agressive dipwad with a misogonistic complex and serious “Oh, poor me” victim mindset.
Get a life.

Sorry that this Blog Post was a little ranty– Can’t help it sometimes.

I guess: Here’s my PROTIP of the day, for all those people have gotten friend-zoned, and are having trouble getting over it.

Maybe– the truth is that it’s so hard to get over people because you’re not supposed to get over them at all. It’s good for the soul not to get what you want. It keeps you real. It keeps you fresh. It keeps you human.

Till we blog again—



Not Your Average Feminism Post

Might as well start right out of the gates with something pretty controversial. So, here we go. Modern day feminism. Let’s chat about it…

Well, when most people think about feminism or equal gender rights, you visualize the ladies back in the day with their wide skirts picketing around for rights to wear “knickers” or whatever term pleases you. That’s not quite what I want to talk about. Yes, that’s an extremely important part of society today (for my American readers), don’t get me wrong. However, today some women just overdo it. I can’t stand perusing social networks and seeing women throw fits about being able to wear bra’s and not having to simply because of “equal gender rights”. Are you serious. if you’re one of the feminists, and have stumbled upon my blog, PLEASE, I know how great it feels to not wear a bra around the house, but around other people it’s just kind of gross. No one wants to see your ladies just flopping around out there. From one lady to another, do us all a favor and cover up.

However, on that tangent, I’ll also drop a wisdom dating bomb on ya:
If you find a guy you like, or just that you want to date, that in no way gives you the right to treat him like your ATM. Yes, he can buy things for you, IF HE CHOOSES, not if you call him and say “Buy this for me”. You don’t have the right to treat him like he HAS to treat you all the time. If you really like him, treat him as so, not like he’s only money to you.

Till we blog again—

