Stranger Danger

Today I’m going to chat about something a little weird.

So. Today I was shopping at walmart… About 11 PM, in a little bit rougher part of town. Usually, I am no fear, all piss and vinegar. You can’t usually knock me down. Well, today as I walked in a police officer stopped me. He said, “Ma’am, are you shopping with your husband today?” “Uh, no. I’m not married.” I said as I showed him my ringless finger. The officer then said “Ma’am, I don’t advise you to shop alone here, miss. Especially like that.” “Uh? I’m confused. Why’s that?” I replied, taken aback. (I mean, I 5’8 and curvy and I was wearing a tank top and maxi skirt. But seriously? Nothing attractive going on here) And the officer leaned in and whispered, “Well, this isn’t really a safe environment for young women like you. You might want to choose somewhere a little different than here. Some men here may not be able to control themselves because of your appearance” Okay, HOLD UP. I’m not any more attractive than any other woman in that store, but since I was wearing a lower cut shirt and skirt, he was legitimately WORRIED FOR MY SAFETY. I’m so sorry if you disagree but HOLY CRAP. HOW IS IT THAT WE CAN ALLOW THIS. I shouldn’t have people fretting over my safety because apparently some men can’t handle themselves. Guh.

Anyone else have some thoughts on this?

Well, thanks for letting me vent!

Cheers loves,


The big sheboom.

Hello lovers,
You’re sure looking dapper today–
In my travels… My love and my loss, I’ve figured one thing out.

Pain Changes People

That’s the most important thing you can understand. As a friend, a family member, an associate, really… A human being. That’s the most simple fact you need to understand. When someone goes through something. No matter how small you feel it is…. It could be the most important thing in their life and you would never know. Whether you like it or even understand it pain changes people. Now that doesn’t always mean it will, but the possibility is always there.

remember that.

I guess that’s all for today,

Always remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground, you beautiful soul.



Hello lovelies, I doubt any of you have missed me… But I’m back.

After thinking long and hard about life, and being really introspective I’ve come to a conclusion. The greatest thing in life is to be self reliant. I’ve been through a significant amount of seriousish relationships (like, 4) and I feel empty after each one. Looking back at one of my fonder significant others, I remember when we were going through a rough patch and getting a text that said:

I am a flower. And you are my sun. I need you so much more than you need me. Please don’t leave me alone in the dark.

That breaks my heart. I understand what it feels like to be so utterly alone. That’s why I’ve found it’s so much easier to not rely on anyone. Be my own sunshine.

I guess that’s all that really matters…
Take it from me kids. Always be your own sunshine. Give someone else a reason to grow.



A Year Of Being Thankful

Hallllllo, lovelies.

I’ve decided to do a thing.

I know I’m thankful for things a lot… But I guess I don’t always say it. So, I’ve decided to start a thing.

A Year Of Being Thankful


Everyday (or as often as possible) I’m going to talk about why I’m thankful.
H e r e,
W e
G O .

Day 1,

Today I’m thankful for my stress habit. I know LOTS of my friends (under aged and uh, over-aged?) tend to drink when they’re stressed. Even more of my friends self-destruct, or stress eat like it’s their job…

Well, ever since I was little, my way of handling stress consists of working out until I’m so happy it hurts.

Working out gives you endorphins.
Endorphins make you happy, and happy people just don’t kill their husbands

The trick is to run until you’re too tired to be angry. Then, keep going. Eventually, you’ll think of something positive and BAM you’re running with a stupid grin on your face. Keep going till you feel like your legs are going to fall off. Trust me, they won’t. (As always, if it hurts, STOP… The last thing you need to do is hurt yourself)….

The last thing that’s going to help your stress is by doing something that will stress you out even more IE, stress eating, getting some chub, stressing about being chub……

It’s not worth it!

Just give it a try. Eventually it will workout for ya.

That’s all for today, I guess!

Love and Snuggles,



Hey interwebbers– lovely seeing your faces!

So, I’m going to rage for just sec.

Why can’t people be honest now a days? Why do “friends” need to hide the truth if they’re truly friends?

I guess it was just the way I was raised. Italian and honest. Sometimes to the point where some people don’t like the honesty.

The truth hurts.

But, I’d rather be hurt with a truth, over a lie. When you lie to someone, chances are they will find out the truth. If they really aren’t worth the whole and complete truth to you, maybe you shouldn’t be friends.

I know. It’s one of my talents. I always know. It’s almost impossible to get something past me. Often, I will ignore the lie. It’s not worth an upset. But, I always know. Don’t try and protect my feelings, protect my respect for you. If you lie to me, I lose it all.

Well, that’s my rage.

Till we blog again—


Love, The Prude.

Hey interwebbers, lookin’ good 😘

Today I think I’m going to blog angrily for a couple minutes and see where it gets me.


Yesterday, I spent most of the daytime hanging out with an ex, who I really adored. We broke up because he was spending the year studying at another university through an internship program. We broke up so we didn’t have to deal with long distance relationships, but if we wanted when he got back, we would get back together.

I spent the day genuinely happy.

Honestly. I felt like he’s my closest thing to love I’ve ever felt, and he definitely rivals pizza for my affection. So, that’s a BIG thing.

Well. After he left to for the airport, I went to hang out with some other friends, hopefully to get out of that post-seeing-someone-leave funk. I ended up with a few of my close guy friends, and this guy I didn’t really know all that well besides being in clubs together. Well, the whole night he hit on me Relentlessly. I dropped all the not-so-subtle hints that I’m not that into him, like telling him how much I enjoyed seeing this guy, and how much I couldn’t wait to see him again.

But, No.
He just wasn’t having the “I’m not interested in you” vibe.

However, on the way home as he was dropping me off, he grabbed my hand and asked me what my problem was. Being the bad ass bitch BLUNT woman I am, I told him straight out that he wasn’t my type, and I was still in like with another guy.

His response is really what gets me…

As I walked out of his car,

I hear him say “Prude”

Followed up with the oh-so mumbled but perfectly understandable:

“Well, you act like a slut, so maybe if you weren’t such a whore-y bitch, we wouldn’t have this problem”


So, just because a girl isn’t interested in you doesn’t NOT MAKE HER A PRUDE. We need to get this straight. Even if she puts out doesn’t mean in anyway shape or form, that you get the opinion that she’s supposed to be having sex with you. It will ALWAYS be her choice, and you are NOT part of that decision making process.

Oh man, It took everything of my sassy being to not mace him, and break his nose (snaps for self defense class).

I’m not even sure how to talk to my friends about this. I’m so mad and embarrassed at the same time. I don’t feel like a “whore” but apparently I come off that way to guys. I mean, prude… Yes. Slut? No!

He texted me this morning, and asked me if I wanted a ride to an event together. Which It took every fiber of my being to just ignore the text and go on with my everyday activities.

Whatever. I guess there’s my ragequit… But definitely blogging about this is perfect catharsis. Who better to tell than my closest internet friends!

Protip: if a boy ever corners you and doesn’t want to take no for an answer, kick him in the nuts. It will send all the messages you need.

Till we blog again—




Hello, interwebbers– you look chilly!

So, yesterday I woke up to my twitter timeline being flooded with the whole “Justin Beiber being arrested” thing, which usually I could not care less about. I absolutely despise the people who are disgustingly obsessed with pop stars. Usually I would say “leave them alone” or “why should I care”… But not today…. Along with the

(My personal favorite)

Hashtag, I also noticed ones like:




This makes me sick

Like, I really understand that you want to support your favorite pop star, and that millions (49 million I’m pretty sure is what they like to tout) are completely infatuated with him, but this is wrong. Your “idol” was charged with driving under the influence. By you supporting him, it’s almost as if you are condoning this kind of behavior.

And you may not have ever been affected by drunken driving, but others have. You are pretty much spitting in the face of everyone who has had to come home to a missed call from someone letting them know that their loved one was killed by someone who thought they were above the law, and drove under the influence of a substance. I’ve seen the effects of drunk driving, a man in my hometown lost his whole family to a drunk driver. Not long ago a police officer and his canine companion were both killed by a drunk driver. This really hits home. I don’t think you understand that people are hurting everyday and justin could’ve been one of those people who stole away your loved one. Would that be okay with you? Finding out your family was killed by a drunk driver, but it must be okay because he’s a star so he’s above the law.

Get real. Stop being so ignorant. You’re just showing your faith in a man that is only going to get worse, because you’re supporting him.

I don’t mean to be morbid, but really. Life isn’t guaranteed for everyone..,

Until we blog again—

Cheers ,


Kill The ProNouns

Halllllo my lovely interwebbers–

I thought today we’d tackle something tough.


Let’s get right down to it.
What you hear a lot in society especially in the LGBTQ debates and what not is the frivolous use of pronouns.

gay marriage
lesbian lovers
the GAY people

excuse me while I vomit/rant

Why are all these pronouns necessary. What are they doing that’s any different than any straight person (If you haven’t read my blog before, I’m very pro- you do what you want and and love what you want and if that’s hetero or homo or paleo and whatever you may have it, that’s your choice. You do you) I’m tired of hearing people label their things. You don’t see people running around screaming, “OMG, I just went to the BEST straight wedding this weekend…” Because that’s stupid. It’s also stupid when you add “gay” in front of it. You aren’t “gay lovers” as much as me and my boyfriend are “straight lovers” you are just lovers. Can we stop with the unnecessary addition of words? Being weird about gay people is a thing we have left in the 50’s and if you aren’t okay with that I think it’s time for you to rethink your choices. It’s not being “progressive” or “revolutionary” it’s being normal. Get over yourself.

I thought I’d also share one of my funny stories with you guys. So, these crazy bible thumping westboro baptist church kind of religious protesters came to our campus to preach to us about how we’re going to hell…


Well, we were talking this one lady about homosexual marriages being legalized and and she got all ranty about if we legalized that pretty soon people would want to marry their computers and it’s “NOT ADAM AND MACBOOK” and I think we all died laughing.


Protip: if you don’t believe in marriage and pronoun equality, you really need to open up your mind. This is coming from a declared conservative, very Christian southern girl. Ya dig?

The Real American Idol.

Hello, interwebbers– nice to see you!

For my college readers, hope being back in school is treating you well!

So, on to what I’m going to rant about today…

Role Models

Who do we look up to? Why do we look up to these people. Why do we take what they do, into account for our own lives. How exactly does this whole crazy science work.

Let my tell you a little about my idol.

My Nonna. She’s perfect in my eyes. While I was growing up, from being just a wee babe, till I was breaking hearts and driving cars, I pretty much was a Grandmas girl. My parent are both very hard working and amazing teachers, and I adore them for working hard to make a life for me. However, when I was growing up I remember a significant amount more of my wicked crazy times with my Gram. She’s a chaotic women hell bent on letting the world know she’s there, and just cause she’s got white hair, it doesn’t mean she won’t kick your ass. Probably Cause She Will….


My whole life I really enjoyed watching the news, and do it most everyday. While watching it lately, all I see is controversy over celebrities, instead of the normal international news about wars and leaders and such. While I recognize that most people don’t enjoy hearing about that, it’s the real world and we don’t always get what we want.


I really became sort of enthralled in the whole “Duck Dynasty” controversy. Just hearing about it, and seeing mass amounts of protests… Imagine… What the American public could do if they cared that much about any world issue. We could fix EVERYTHING.

On another note,

Why do these people care so much? I had to ask myself this question everytime I saw a clip about it. These people are just celebrities, what they do and believe has no major impact on you. But, then it occurred to me…. These Duck Dynasty folks are peoples idols. Their rolemodels. Kids base their actions and beliefs off of a TV show character. I can’t fathom actually being that interested and enthralled by their beliefs, that I actually adapt my own to mimic theirs. Wow. Just wow.

So, I guess what I’m trying to get at here, is that I think everyone should strive to find a better role model. Someone who is a prominent figure in your life, that you know personally. Whether it be a religious leader, (Priest, Pastor, Rabbi, etc. pick your poison) or a teacher who has made a positive impact on your life…. It doesn’t matter. But, you need to be able to talk to this person, discuss your beliefs. If they are truly a positive role model, they’ll help you decide yours and maybe someday become a good role model for someone else…

Just think about it.

Make sure who you look up to, actually cares about you. It’ll make a difference. I promise.

Protip: if you ever start to feel emotionally attached enough to a character, where they become your role mode, maybe it’s time to turn off the TV. Cut the chord, go outside.

Well, until we Blog Again—

