The big sheboom.

Hello lovers,
You’re sure looking dapper today–
In my travels… My love and my loss, I’ve figured one thing out.

Pain Changes People

That’s the most important thing you can understand. As a friend, a family member, an associate, really… A human being. That’s the most simple fact you need to understand. When someone goes through something. No matter how small you feel it is…. It could be the most important thing in their life and you would never know. Whether you like it or even understand it pain changes people. Now that doesn’t always mean it will, but the possibility is always there.

remember that.

I guess that’s all for today,

Always remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground, you beautiful soul.



Hello lovelies, I doubt any of you have missed me… But I’m back.

After thinking long and hard about life, and being really introspective I’ve come to a conclusion. The greatest thing in life is to be self reliant. I’ve been through a significant amount of seriousish relationships (like, 4) and I feel empty after each one. Looking back at one of my fonder significant others, I remember when we were going through a rough patch and getting a text that said:

I am a flower. And you are my sun. I need you so much more than you need me. Please don’t leave me alone in the dark.

That breaks my heart. I understand what it feels like to be so utterly alone. That’s why I’ve found it’s so much easier to not rely on anyone. Be my own sunshine.

I guess that’s all that really matters…
Take it from me kids. Always be your own sunshine. Give someone else a reason to grow.



Love, The Prude.

Hey interwebbers, lookin’ good 😘

Today I think I’m going to blog angrily for a couple minutes and see where it gets me.


Yesterday, I spent most of the daytime hanging out with an ex, who I really adored. We broke up because he was spending the year studying at another university through an internship program. We broke up so we didn’t have to deal with long distance relationships, but if we wanted when he got back, we would get back together.

I spent the day genuinely happy.

Honestly. I felt like he’s my closest thing to love I’ve ever felt, and he definitely rivals pizza for my affection. So, that’s a BIG thing.

Well. After he left to for the airport, I went to hang out with some other friends, hopefully to get out of that post-seeing-someone-leave funk. I ended up with a few of my close guy friends, and this guy I didn’t really know all that well besides being in clubs together. Well, the whole night he hit on me Relentlessly. I dropped all the not-so-subtle hints that I’m not that into him, like telling him how much I enjoyed seeing this guy, and how much I couldn’t wait to see him again.

But, No.
He just wasn’t having the “I’m not interested in you” vibe.

However, on the way home as he was dropping me off, he grabbed my hand and asked me what my problem was. Being the bad ass bitch BLUNT woman I am, I told him straight out that he wasn’t my type, and I was still in like with another guy.

His response is really what gets me…

As I walked out of his car,

I hear him say “Prude”

Followed up with the oh-so mumbled but perfectly understandable:

“Well, you act like a slut, so maybe if you weren’t such a whore-y bitch, we wouldn’t have this problem”


So, just because a girl isn’t interested in you doesn’t NOT MAKE HER A PRUDE. We need to get this straight. Even if she puts out doesn’t mean in anyway shape or form, that you get the opinion that she’s supposed to be having sex with you. It will ALWAYS be her choice, and you are NOT part of that decision making process.

Oh man, It took everything of my sassy being to not mace him, and break his nose (snaps for self defense class).

I’m not even sure how to talk to my friends about this. I’m so mad and embarrassed at the same time. I don’t feel like a “whore” but apparently I come off that way to guys. I mean, prude… Yes. Slut? No!

He texted me this morning, and asked me if I wanted a ride to an event together. Which It took every fiber of my being to just ignore the text and go on with my everyday activities.

Whatever. I guess there’s my ragequit… But definitely blogging about this is perfect catharsis. Who better to tell than my closest internet friends!

Protip: if a boy ever corners you and doesn’t want to take no for an answer, kick him in the nuts. It will send all the messages you need.

Till we blog again—



Kill The ProNouns

Halllllo my lovely interwebbers–

I thought today we’d tackle something tough.


Let’s get right down to it.
What you hear a lot in society especially in the LGBTQ debates and what not is the frivolous use of pronouns.

gay marriage
lesbian lovers
the GAY people

excuse me while I vomit/rant

Why are all these pronouns necessary. What are they doing that’s any different than any straight person (If you haven’t read my blog before, I’m very pro- you do what you want and and love what you want and if that’s hetero or homo or paleo and whatever you may have it, that’s your choice. You do you) I’m tired of hearing people label their things. You don’t see people running around screaming, “OMG, I just went to the BEST straight wedding this weekend…” Because that’s stupid. It’s also stupid when you add “gay” in front of it. You aren’t “gay lovers” as much as me and my boyfriend are “straight lovers” you are just lovers. Can we stop with the unnecessary addition of words? Being weird about gay people is a thing we have left in the 50’s and if you aren’t okay with that I think it’s time for you to rethink your choices. It’s not being “progressive” or “revolutionary” it’s being normal. Get over yourself.

I thought I’d also share one of my funny stories with you guys. So, these crazy bible thumping westboro baptist church kind of religious protesters came to our campus to preach to us about how we’re going to hell…


Well, we were talking this one lady about homosexual marriages being legalized and and she got all ranty about if we legalized that pretty soon people would want to marry their computers and it’s “NOT ADAM AND MACBOOK” and I think we all died laughing.


Protip: if you don’t believe in marriage and pronoun equality, you really need to open up your mind. This is coming from a declared conservative, very Christian southern girl. Ya dig?


Hey, Interwebbers– It’s good to see ya.

So, I’ve seen lots of things about this lately, and I’ve really caught it.


I remember when I was in 5th grade, and I got my first “real” boyfriend. We would run around outside and play tag with eachother. Hold hands and play tag. Occasionally, at night we would call eachother and brave the really awkward possibility of their parents answering the phone first.


This Christmas, I had the pleasure of spending a lot of time with my nieces and nephews, one of whom is in the 5th grade. While we traversed around Chicago, hitting up Zoo’s, stores, and anything you can imagine children would like, she was on her phone texting away.

I asked her who she was texting so avidly, and she told me that she was talking to her boyfriend.

and ONLY her boyfriend

She had been texting with him



I can’t even imagine trying to talk to someone for that long. I guess nowadays kids really just need need constant affirmation that people love them. Like, I kind of imagine it like this:

A girl/boy in the relationship perpetually reminding the person that they need constant reminder that people like them.

Like, I need constant reassurance that you still enjoy me and find our relationship appealing.

Wait, what?

Please. Put the phone down. You don’t need it to be happy in a relationship. You only need each other. Take your eyes off that little screen and spend a little bit of time with each other.

That’s all folks..

Till we blog again–




Hallo, interwebbers. Good to see your lovely faces.

Today, I was thinking about my life. Contemplating important events, and why they were important to me. I guess, things just kind of became clear to me.
I’ve been lucky. I’ve never really felt apathetic. I’ve always kind of been on the edge of a situation. Polar attitudes.
My life is exciting.

I realized this:

I either eat way too much or practically starve myself.
I could sleep for 12 hours or stay up for two days.
I can fall in love very hard or hate passionately you more than you ever know.
I’ve never been in the grey area of life. I don’t know what grey is.
I never have.

Till we blog again–



Suit Me Up And Call Me Barbie.

Hey there my lovely interwebbers–

Today, I think we’re gonna talk about something, and you may not like it. But this Blog isn’t about what you want to hear. It’s about life. Get over it.

Here We Go:
The other day I was thinking to myself, why can’t I be like that girl. She’s pretty, tall, skinny, blonde, and all the boys like her. She’s desireable. I was jealous. I sat around for the rest of the day kind of moping and being all cranky. Generally being just a angsty person. I hate when I get like that. It’s really no good for anyone.


I’ve decided, why should I care. Why should I base my ideals of what I want to be around what someone else is. Really,

It doesn’t matter if I eat a whole box of Mac and Cheese.
It doesn’t matter if I drink a whole bottle of tequilla (though I wouldn’t advise it).
But, by far the worst thing, the most unhealthy habitI’ve ever had is comparing myself to others.

It will destroy you from the inside out. Tear you apart without letting the rest of the world know that your world is imploding.

The most important thing I can ask of you is to stop. Stop looking at yourself and seeing how you measure up next to someone else. They probably aren’t all they seem on the outside.
No one is perfect.
Let me repeat that again,
Not One Person In The World Can Call Themselves Perfect

Let me drop this little wisdom bomb on you:
Real Girls Aren’t Perfect.
Perfect Girls Aren’t Real.

End of Story.
End of Discussion.
If you disagree with me, get over it. This is my Blog.

Protip for all you lovelies out there:
It is not selfish to love yourself,
to take care of yourself,
and to make Happiness a priority.
It is Necessary.

You deserve love.
So, Love Yourself.

Till We Blog Again, Lovelies—



Check Yes Or No

What up, interwebbers! It’s been too long–

So, I’ve recently Facebook stalked myself (as anyone exiting their teenage years should do), all the way back to the beginning of my timeline. Watching how someone changes on through social media is truly mind boggling. It shows how your values change, and honestly how who you can’t to be changes.

This Is How I See It:

Your social media is what you make it. It’s how you want people to see you. Especially when growing up, and making new friends. You don’t want to post all these awful things about yourself online, so people who don’t even know you can judge you. If ya really look at it, your Facebook page is pretty much what you want to be. My page is littered with posts about awards, or relationships, or victories… You don’t see me posting how I was dumped on my birthday, or how I failed my chem test. No sir. That’s not what I want people to see me as.

I saw this especially when I was getting ready to pack up and move states and start my life over at College. I’m pretty sure I matured a little… I took away all my nerdy posts and links, and replaced them with pretty pictures of my laughing with friends, etc. I didn’t want someone to judge me before they could really get to know me. That’s the real downfall of social network. I’ve turned down many a boy, because once they showed interest, me and my friends “stalked” their Facebook and found something unappealing.

Looking back, I surely feel stupid. Never judge a book by its cover (or his twitter).

What I did like, was how in College, once I started to loosen up, it all came back. I was my normal quirky self on social media. I’m proud of myself for finding people here who really accept me for the obnoxious Harry Potter loving, Pokémon card collecting, Doctor Whovian, Jesus addict that I am.

College has really taught me one major thing. Love yourself. That’s who you are.
I have changed.
Everyone Does.

You see:

I used to walk into a room and wonder whether people would like me or not.

Now, I walk into a room and wonder if I should care.

I’ve never felt so free.

So, if you’re reading this, and you haven’t evaluated your lifespan on social media, I encourage you to. It’s really eye opening. Find out if that’s really who you want to be.

Protip: Let yourself go. If you have to wonder whether people are going to judge you for something, stop. Great things never come from comfort zones.

Till we blog again–



Whole World.

Halo Interwebbers– Good To See you!

So, yesterday I kind of went on a really ramble-y post about my Dogs and how much I love them. Well, here’s really what I want to say.

If you have a dog, you should count yourself lucky. You are loved. Unconditionally.
Just think about it, while you get to go off and run around partying, and seeing your friends, your dog literally just sits and waits for you. While your world is vast and diverse, theirs revolves around you. You are their happiness, their best friend, the reason they have a home. They love you. And on the plus side, all you have to feed and play with them! It’s like having a boyfriend, but with a tail.

So, I just want to remind you, that even if you feel like you’re alone, you always have someone that cares for you. No matter what. And all you have to do is scratch behind their ears.

Ps. This doesn’t apply for cats, I’m pretty sure cats hate everybody. That’s from my experiences of course…

Till tomorrow–




Hellos interwebbers, it’s been far too long.

I guess it’s time to share some really personal stuff with you. It is MY blog, right?

Tomorrow morning, I leave to drive myself back to college, roughly 7 hours away from where I call my home. I realized something while packing tonight (procrastinating as always)… I’ve never truly felt awful to leave, except for once. I have little trouble saying adios to most of my friends, I’ll more than likely be seeing them in a five or six months… But, it’s one goodbye that actually upsets me.
My (really my mothers) puppy, Kentucky, Tuck for short.

You seem we just got Tuck back in October, but I was the first one to hold him. I picked him as a gift for my mothers birthday. Her and my Da are suffering severe empty nest syndrome at home, and we had lost our Dogs to cancer earlier that years spring. We are a dog oriented family, so we knew we needed something to help fill the fuzzy void.
Anywho— I guess I should talk about why we are so dog oriented, and why Tuck is so important.

It all started last year.

My first really hard goodbye was saying goodbye to my Dog, Lambeau (Beau) for short. I got him as a puppy right after my Grandpa died. Beau was my best friend, through thick and thin. I spent more time with him than anyone else. Leaving him to go to college was by far the hardest decision of my life, but I knew he was in capable hands playing with my Opa, who I charged with keeping him company while I was away. I knew Beau had been acting a little sluggish at the end of my spring break weekend, as I hugged him goodbye he seemed to shrink back into himself and give me his sad eyes, as he did anytime I left him for more than 30 seconds. I remember looking down at him and feeling my heart break anytime it did when I had to leave him. I leaned down and whispered, “2 months till summer, ya think you can handle that?” And he licked my nose and I left. After agonizing through some serious dogsickness at school, I had made it to finals week. 3 days till I could veg out on the couch and watch netflix with my Beau all summer. I was ready to power through my finals when late the night before my first 8 am final my Dad called and broke the news to me that Beau had passed. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so empty in my life. I went back to my dorm and cried myself to sleep, until all my tears were gone. I had failed my pup. I didn’t even get to say goodbye. I’ll never get to take that back.

So, now as I sit here in my bed, curled up with Tuck, almost a year later, I dread the coming light of tomorrow. Knowing that once again, I’ll have to leave a dog that trusts and cares for me. I know tomorrow is surely going to be hard, but I’m sure Tuck will forgive me for crying on him. I think any college kid with a dog can relate. If you really truly love your dog, leaving it should be an agonizing decision.

This blog is kind of an intro for what I’m going to write about tomorrow, but It turned into an all out sob fest. So, I’m going to dedicate this post to my Beau, and my Tuck. The loves of my life,

So, this is for Beau

13 years.
My longest relationship.
My first chance at being a Mom.
Forever by my side.
My best friend.

Till tomorrow–



